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Your union, your NTEU

Volunteer to assist with the bargaining campaign, or get in touch with the Branch: [email protected].

New systems bans commence Monday 9 September

Your VU bargaining team

  • Brandy Cochrane, Branch President
  • Fleur Taylor, Vice-President Professional Staff
  • Matthew Klugman, Vice-President Academic Staff
  • Brett Woods, Branch Secretary
  • Tracey Cooper, Branch Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Representative

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A new Enterprise Agreement for VU: Read the NTEU Log of Claims

The Log of Claims (LoC) lists the main improvements to pay and working conditions that NTEU VU members want in this round of negotiations. Branch members voted on the following key priorities:

  • Safer, fairer workloads for all staff
  • Improved protections against restructures
  • All-hours-paid for casual staff
  • A decent pay-rise
  • Flexible working arrangements and the right to work from home 


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