Workplace Surveillance at Victorian universities: are we being watched at work?

NTEU survey shows workplace surveillance is widespread and growing

After an overwhelming response to our NTEU Victorian Division survey into workplace surveillance, which closed in July, we held an online seminar on Friday 23 August to report back on what you and your colleagues told us about your experiences at universities across Victoria.


The results of the survey suggest high levels of workplace surveillance at Victorian universities, with much of it occurring opaquely and with little worker consultation or voice. Yet Victorian employers face little legal constraint on their surveillance practices with laws failing to address the increasing depth and reach of workplace surveillance.

What can be done about this?

Based on the survey results, NTEU Victorian Division has made a submission to the Victorian parliamentary inquiry into workplace surveillance, calling for legislation to effectively regulate this practice (View our submission).


'Workplace surveillance at Victorian universities' seminar - Friday 23 August

The seminar was presented by the authors of the NTEU submission:

  • Associate Professor Alysia Blackham, Melbourne Law School
  • Dr Jake Goldenfein, Melbourne Law School
  • Professor Joo-Cheong Tham, Melbourne Law School; Victorian Assistant Secretary (Academic Staff)

The seminar covered:

  • The growing dangers of workplace surveillance;
  • Why there is a need for laws to regulate workplace surveillance;
  • The six Workplace Privacy Principles that should underpin such laws; and
  • What you can do about workplace surveillance.

Missed the seminar?

If you missed the seminar - no problem! You can watch the recording via Zoom (enter the passcode nu!0yfYd if requested after clicking the link).

The NTEU Victorian Division will continue to advocate for effective regulation of workplace surveillance through the Victorian parliamentary inquiry in this area. It will also examine options of ensuring that Victorian universities comply with the Victorian Privacy and Data Protection Act.


What you can do

In Unity,


Sarah Roberts (Secretary), Ruth Jelley (Assistant Secretary - Professional Staff) and Prof. Joo-Cheong Tham (Assistant Secretary - Academic Staff)

NTEU Victorian Division



More information

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