RMIT Training's latest EBA offer: why to VOTE NO

The latest deal being offered by RMIT Training management is still below par for the sector, behind what other staff at RMIT enjoy and just not good enough. So NTEU RMIT Branch are calling on you to once again VOTE NO and reject the disappointing wages and conditions, which still fall far short of what staff expect and deserve.

Across the sector, enterprise agreements negotiated by the NTEU provide better pay and conditions than non-union agreements, and by voting no to this proposed non-union agreement, you're sending a clear message to RMIT Training management to bring a better deal to the table.

Despite already rejecting a proposed Enterprise Agreement put by RMIT Training management in an earlier ballot, staff are now being asked to vote again on pretty much the same deal, with sub par pay and conditions:

  • Total Remuneration: only 1% more than the previously rejected offer. 
  • Wages: 13% over three years (this is 2% on salary but at the expense of the previous superannuation offer). 
  • Superannuation: only the legal minimum, which is mandatory - the increase previously offered is now taken away 
  • The offer still includes the same clauses you already rejected: there’s no change to redundancy, leave, workloads or meaningful advancement. 

This offer would lock you into another three years of wages that do not reflect your sector peers, superannuation well below most other RMIT employees, plus poor redundancy conditions and poor opportunities for re-classification. 

Let's VOTE NO and force RMIT Training management to re-think, re-open negotiations and re-build its relationship with you, the staff, by offering a decent, new enterprise agreement that reflects your value to the organisation and helps you face the increasing cost of living in tough economic times.
The NTEU wants all staff at RMIT Training to be treated as part of the University and to have: 

  • Real wage increases that match inflation (15% increase over three years).
  • Paid personal (sick/carers) leave of 15 days per year.
  • Superannuation that is moving towards the same as other RMIT employees. 
  • Classification structures that recognise your experience/skills. 
  • Improved redundancy and redeployment to other parts of RMIT.
  • Improvements in First People’s employment.

NTEU has won better deals elsewhere. VOTE NO then we can win you better pay and conditions, so staff at RMIT Training are recognised as part of RMIT.
If you want further information or advice please contact us at: [email protected].

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More information about how to join other staff in taking action for better pay and conditions :


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